Income protection insurance

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Income protection insurance

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Income protection insurance

Not being able to work due to injury or ill health could have devastating consequences on your income and financial situation. Income protection insurance can provide a buffer against this impact by providing a regular income. So whether you’re self-employed or in a job, if you couldn’t survive financially on your savings or sick pay while off long-term sick, income protection offers a vital lifeline.

Income protection insurance will provide you with an income when you can’t work due to illness.

Income protection insurance will pay you a regular income if you can’t work because of sickness (including mental illnesses) or disability. The amount you receive is a percentage of your earnings, usually between 50 and 75%. You’ll continue to receive the money until you return to paid work or retire, but it won’t pay out if you’re made redundant.

Income protection insurance is essential for self-employed workers who don’t have access to company sickness benefits and could lose their business if they were out of it for more than a few weeks. However, it’s also worth considering taking out income protection insurance if you’re employed, as your sickness benefit might not be adequate to sustain a prolonged period of sickness.

Like any type of insurance, there are several types of policies to choose from, and prices vary. Also, your situation might mean that you could manage without it, in which case you’d be better off saving on the cost of the premiums. However, we can help you understand your position and determine the right policy for you and your circumstances.

Because we play by the book we want to tell you that...

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances.

The fee is up to 1%, but a typical fee is 0.3% of the amount borrowed.

For insurance business, we offer products from a choice of insurers.